Rendang Gadih
Rendang Gadih is a packaged Rendang brand that has 18 Rendang Variants, which was established on September 1, 2015 in the city of Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, which started from the idea of ​​founder Dedy Syandera Putera in an effort to empower the surrounding community. Rendang galih is made in a hygienic process by workers who have received training in food processing standards. Rendang Gadih products have been shipped to almost all parts of Indonesia and abroad, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan.
Rendang Gadih adalah brand Rendang kemasan yang memiliki 18 Varian Rendang, yang berdiri pada tanggal 1 September 2015 di kota Payakumbuh Sumatera Barat, yang berawal dari ide founder Dedy Syandera Putera dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar. Rendang galih di buat dengan proses yang higienis oleh tenaga kerja yang sudah mendapatkan pelatihan standar pengolahan pangan. Produk Rendang Gadih sudah dikirim hampir keseluruh wilayah Indonesia dan luar negeri, seperti Malaysia, Singapura, Korea, Hongkong, Belanda, Australia, Jepang
Address/ Alamat
Payakumbuh City, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Contact/ Kontak
: 628111901844
: 628111901844
: https://rendanggadih.com/
Product/ Produk
This ready-to-eat rendang is the winner of the 2017 food UKM award, certified halal, BPOM, HACCP, produced without MSG and preservatives