PT. Bali Agro Investama
Company Providing Solutions for Agricultural Revitalization by Creating Agribusiness-Based Sustainable Economic Development
Production capacity 6 tons/year
Already exported to the Netherlands; Qatar; Singapore
Perusahaan Pemberi Solusi Revitalisasi Pertanian dengan Menciptakan Pengembangan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan Berbasis Agribisnis
Kapasitas produksi 6 ton / tahun
Sudah diekspor ke negara Belanda ; Qatar ; Singapore
Address/ Alamat
Buleleng - Bali, Operational : Jl. Danau Tempe 21A, Denpasar 80228, Bali_x000B_ ; Admin : Banjar Tengah, Desa Sinabun, Sawan, Buleleng 81171, Bali
Contact/ Kontak
: 623614484425
: 6285338401239
Product/ Produk
Food, beverages, food ingredients and beverage ingredients based on moringa, early coconut, cocoa and palm sugar, which are organic. Like : Organic Moringa Leaf Flour