Yopie Homemade | PT. Utami Arindhita Putti
Starting at the end of 2017, Vivi finally ventured to introduce Yopie Home Made candied ginger to be marketed. Because, Vivi has felt the benefits of candied ginger for health. Vivi hopes that this product can be useful and efficacious for many people. Product marketing is done through modern retail stores, gift shops, resellers and online shops. Besides candied ginger, we also tried to make other candied spice variants, such as candied kencur, candied turmeric and candied ginger.

Dimulai akhir tahun 2017, akhirnya Vivi memberanikan diri untuk memperkenalkan manisan jahe Yopie Home Made untuk dipasarkan. Karena, Vivi sudah merasakan manfaat manisan jahe untuk kesehatan. Harapan Vivi produk ini dapat bermanfaat dan berkhasiat bagi orang banyak.Pemasaran produk dilakukan melalui toko retail modern, toko oleh-oleh, reseller maupun online shop. Selain manisan jahe, kamipun mencoba membuat varian manisan rempah lainnya, seperti manisan kencur, manisan kunyit dan manisan temulawak.
Address/ Alamat
Tangerang Selatan - Banten, Jl. Pepaya II no. 31 RT.03 RW.05, Kp. Utan, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan
Contact/ Kontak
: 62815689342
: 62815689342
Product/ Produk
Various Herbal Product